
Monitoring and testing your Spatial Data Infrastruture

Spatial Web Services, such as the OGC Web Map Service (WMS) and Web Feature Service (WFS), lets spatial datasets and databases be accessed over the Internet using HTTP, standardised operations and data models. The Spatial Web Services together with compliant client software and the Internet create a distributed, loosely-coupled system called the Spatial Web, or Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI). These systems enable people to find, use and combine spatial information made available by different data providers around the world using a small set of tools and applications.

The rapid increase of spatial data made available online creates new interesting possibilities for creating online applications for collecting, presenting, analysing up-to-date information about our local and global environment and human activities. Increasingly these applications are running on mobile devices, and depend heavily on the Internet connection and the provided services to be working swiftly and correctly at all times.

Spatineo offers tools to help our customers understand better how their services work, perform and how they are being used.